Find out what's coming up!
Hi all!
Welcome back to the lab!
I hope you have all been well! For this week’s post I thought it would be better to do another short catch up! So, what have we been up to?
Two Random Nerds Podcast!
We have been hard at work with our good friend Mr Connor Nagi batch recording a bunch of new episodes for our brand new podcast ‘Two Random Nerds Talk About’ it’ll be coming your way very soon so keep an eye and get following us on Instagram!
The Review Lab Podcast!
We have also been secretly planning ideas for the future of our podcast. One idea in particular has us very very excited and we are due to start on this new limited series soon. More info to follow.
We have a TikTok! You can follow us at The Review Lab and we have a few videos posted already such as our “Top 3 films of this year so far” ; “Will Anakin appear in the Ashoka Series?” & Our Newest Video "Our Fave Tenth Doctor Scene"
Link Below:
More blog posts!
Don't worry, I haven’t forgotten about our usual posts, plenty have been planned, some even written! Expect them regularly!
The Review Lab YouTube Channel!
So this one has been in the works for a good 6-8 months and we are very nearly ready to go! Whilst I won’t be telling you a definitive release date just yet, I will show you the cover photo which reveals what the video will be about below..:
That’s right! Our first video on our YouTube Channel will be our ‘New Who Regenerations Ranking’. So much work has been put into this roughly 20 minute video. Like I said, it’s nearly done, so expect much more info on that soon. Keep an eye out, I really hope you enjoy it once it’s released! More are also planned!!
Subscribe here:
That’s about it, for now!
There’s so much to come for The Review Lab. thank you for all your support thus far, it really has meant the world.
See you real soon
Until then
Stay safe; look after each other
Harry x