All the latest information on Zack Snyder’s Justice League!
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Zack Snyder’s Justice League is a project many DC fans have been anticipating for many years since his departure from the initial project back in 2017. Cut to three years later and we now have a Release Date alongside many other new details and images. Let's have a look now shall we!
The following will contain slight spoilers, If you wish to go into the film without any, please close the page now!
Release Date & Rating
Ever Since Zack Snyder had to step down from Justice League due to a family tragedy, fans have been waiting eagerly for his vision of the film to be released and now it seems we are just over one month away. Since announcing the ‘Snyder Cut’ back in may last year, we knew that his vision for Justice League was going to premiere in the first half of 2021, but now we have an official release date. March 18th 2021 on HBO Max.
Whilst this is exciting to fans everywhere, especially now there is not long to wait until we get too see the film, this date is for HBO Max users, meaning those here in the UK wanting to watch this cut do not have a guaranteed release date as of yet. It is highly speculated that it will be released on the same date as the US on streaming platforms such as Amazon Prime with an announcement being officially made in the next few weeks.
We also have confirmation on a rating for the film. Whilst Joss Wheadons critically panned version of the film was rated 12, we now know that Snyder’s Ultimate version will indeed be rated R for Strong Violence and Language. The only other films in DC’s universe to do this is Batman Vs Superman’s Ultimate Edition and Birds of Prey.
New Details and New Photos Released
It was initially reported that Zack Snyder’s Justice League was going to release in four one hour episodes, which would then be put together into a four hour film for viewers to choose which one to watch. However that is now no longer the case. Reported by none other than Snyder Himself, Snyder’s Justice league is now going to be a four hour long movie for viewers to sit and enjoy which was later confirmed by HBO Max themselves. Better have plenty of snacks ready.
As well as premiering on HBO Max, there has also been speculation about a Blu-Ray Release and also an IMAX release once the pandemic is over. It has been reported that Snyder is very enthusiastic about having his ultimate cut of the film released how he intended it to be viewed on imax screens. This is hardly a surprise as all of his films prior to this have always been intended for IMAX screens.
Other small confirmations we have regarding the film is Superman Wearing the Black Suit when he returns, the appearance of Martian Manhunter and Jared Leto’’s Joker, A new NightMare sequence as well as much more screen time for both The Flash and Cyborg. These are not the only changes, they are however the ones we know about so far. Snyder has also been teasing fans with images from the film.
As mentioned above, the film is going to have a scene featuring Jared Leto’s Joker. Syder apparently approached Leto when reshoots were underway late last year, asking if he would be interested in reprising the role with Leto agreeing. Snyder posted the photo above, which has already got fans in a frenzy. Even though it is not a clear look at The Joker, we can see he is now going about a different look and it is very reminiscent of Joaquin Phoenix's Joker.
We also mentioned the inclusion of Martian Manhunter in the film. The inclusion of this character was always intended when Snyder first stepped into the DC universe. He had even planted the character in his previous films in his human disguise, this was in the character of General Swanwick as played by Harry Lennix in Man of Steel and Batman Vs Superman. The character was scrapped when Wheadon took over for his cut, however he is now back as confirmed by Snyder’s picture. As for how much of the film he will feature remains to be seen.
Lastly, we also got glimpses at some new posters for the film. They are very much highlighting the nightmare sequence (Which we saw in Batman Vs Superman) in tone. Highlighting a broken, apocalyptic world. Whether this is just to reference to the nightmare sequence or could mean something more again remains to be seen. However they are very visually striking posters which you can view in the gallery below alongside any other images he has released recently.
Well that's it for this post, what do you think, Are you excited for Zack Snyder’s Justice League? Let us know in the comments below.
We will be back next week with a new post, until then,
Stay Safe,
Look out for each other,
Harry x